about Lettra Press

Each word you write comes with a depth waiting to be discovered. We believe that the best discoveries don’t have to wait.

About Us

Lettra Press is a proud believer in the promise of producing quality books through the self-publishing platform that aspiring and published authors alike will enjoy.

We know it is not impossible for you to fully customize your book and still get professional-grade results. Paired with the right marketing services to help secure your book’s place in the industry, you’re sure to enjoy your authorhood without having to go through the usual trouble.

Get to know the team

Assigned to you to discuss service options available that best suit your needs.

Is assigned to send the Agreement Form once you’ve made your purchase and assist you in completing any required documents. Your Project Coordinator will also inform you when your book is live.

A dedicated team is assigned to you to work on your book’s cover design, interior layout formatting, and copy editing.

Are the only representatives authorized to process payments, and send out receipts or records requested by the author?